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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are Reebok 11K Tapered Blades no longer produced?

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I am having a helluva time finding Reebok 11K Right Hand Datsyuk replacement blades. Local stores haven't had them for months and months, and online selection seems to me to be dwindling. I've noticed on a few of the major online retailers that they are starting to delete RH Datsyuk 11K blades from their available patterns in the drop down menus, and the number of patterns themselves (regardless of RH or LH) is dwindling.

Has this blade been discontinued? I hope not, because after probably trying 15 different patterns this is the only one that I found which I really love.

If it has been discontinued, suggestions on where to look that might have old stock, or equivalents from other manufacturers (so far as I have seen, I have not seen a equivalent blade shape from another manufacturer.)

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They are still listed in the 2012 catalog. Shops have most likely burned through their 2011 inventory and not received their 2012 shipments yet.

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the stores around me seem to only carry most the composite blades when they first come out, and then wait to sell out of them. I am not sure when they are going to release the 20k, but you might have to wait for those blades to come into stock to get the datsyuk. as for a blade like it, there are similar out there but i am not sure who has a clone. it seems like most of the similar blades are of lower lie, that i have found at least. I love the blade for everything except the lie.

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I was going to start a new topic but my question works here too. Does anyone know how the hosel length compares between the 11k and the new warrior tapered line?

I ask because I would like to switch to the datsyuk curve and the new warrior tapered blades hosel is a little longer than the x60. It would be perfect if the 11k or soon to be 20k were similar in length.

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