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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hockey monkey and icewarehouse + customs for shipping to canada?

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firstly i'm not too sure where to post it, please feel free to move it into the correct section...

so firstly i was wondering why does HM and IW charge customs or duties or whatever you call it when shipping to canada, doesn't this contradict the NAFTA?

and if so does anyone know how much they will charge? i tried emailing them but both of them were hesitant to tell me or didn't reply....FYI i was planning to order bauer x7.0 skates, reebok 11k elbows and maybe 11k gloves...


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No, they do not charge duties, the canadian government charges those duties. NAFTA is in relation to good manufactured in North America (and Mexico), most hockey equipment is manufactured in asia.

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do you know why they charge those duties, and is it ad valorem?

Duties are generally an effort to protect domestic workers in a given industry. Most countries have duties of some type, beyond that it's really a political discussion.

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Duties are generally an effort to protect domestic workers in a given industry. Most countries have duties of some type, beyond that it's really a political discussion.

I think Canada will charge duties on Canadian made products that ship from the US, too.

i thought iw didnt ship bauer cross boarder

Bauer and several others restrict direct shipping to Canada (I don't think they restrict shipping from Canada though :dry: ).

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My understanding is that all the major hockey manufacturers have deals prohibiting US stores from shipping to Canada. If I'm wrong someone please correct me...

I ordered from IW once about a year and a half ago and had to use a mail forwarding service called Bongo. I'm not sure about others' experiences, but I strongly advise against using this company (the shipping forwarder not IW, IW is great). They charged me way more than the estimate but since they had my stuff I had to pay it or forfeit the $200ish dollars of gear I'd bought.

Turns out once I'd selected Canada as my country it calculated in the shipping fee like I'd entered centimeters even though it was displaying the dimensions in inches and I selected inches before clicking submit to make it calculate the cost. The package arrived larger than what it had calculated the price for and needed a more expensive fee. I was replicating the error while on the phone with them but they refused to believe me and flat out told me I was lying. I understand the shipping was going to cost more, but they were rude and wouldn't meet me in the middle or anything. I ended up paying over $100 just on shipping (the box wasn't even all that big/heavy)... I don't know if they've fixed the shipping calculator bug since then, but I reaaaally dislike that company. Unfortunately I'm seeing them pop up on other hockey store websites as the international shipping option. I think I saw it on hockeymonkey recently.

I was able to get perani's to ship some CCM gloves to me with USPS not too long ago, so they might be a store for you to check out. The Perani's people were helpful and friendly too. I guess a bunch of places will still ship USPS if you ask, even if they aren't supposed to sell most hockey brands to Canada. If anyone else has been able to get USPS shipping to Canada I'd be interested to know what stores did it.

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My understanding is that all the major hockey manufacturers have deals prohibiting US stores from shipping to Canada. If I'm wrong someone please correct me...

Yes, most of them do.

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