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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM U+ CS | 85-flex | RH | OVI

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I'm wanting to sell my CCM U+ CS - 85 flex - RH - OVI curve (Sakic clone). It is a 2011 retail version that has been cut down 3". I've only played with this stick for 2 rec league games. Looking for $100 + S/H - OBO. $80 shipped.

The stick is in excellent condition and I will post pictures when I get home tonight.

CCM U+ CS - 85 flex - RH - OVI curve - $100 + S/H - OBO. $90 Shipped. $80 Shipped.

Edit: Added Photos. Also, I need to add that there is paint chipping on the stick in the normal areas. I guess CCM sticks are pretty famous for this and it's true. But there is no physical or peformance damage to the stick. If you want any additional pictures of specific sections of the stick just PM and let me know. Did the best I could using my Droid phone camera.







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Ah ok. I'll double check tonight then. To be honest with you I haven't looked at a Sakic curve in quite awhile. I will post pictures tonight and look at the numbers. Got side tracked last night with the kids.

Edit: the stick does say 164-1 so its a Sakic clone I guess? Also, added pictures on original post.

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