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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing Toe cap graf 709's idea;s

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Hey guys toying with idea I though I would throw out there and see what peeps though.

Ok I've worked with the lacing on my Graf 709's and by missing a couple of eyelets across the forefoot, the width isn't as much of an issue as it was, I have a bit more comphat now.

The next problem is the top cap, it is the euro style wider toe cap but its still too small, my big toe rubs on the side and causes pain, and and extra 3-4mm of length would be really help me out.

I am thinking about removing the toe cap and replacing it with a toe cap from either A) a pair of plastic in-line skates or B) a pair of steel caps from steel toe boots (complete with leather covering)

I am a master fabricator, and build custom cars and motorcycles which require the fabrication of many small parts, so my skills aren't in question. But as far as strength and mounting goes I need idea's.

1) Will un-sewing the current toe box from the sides and cutting off the toe box at sole level with a Dremel weaken the overall structure of the boot?

2) If I cut the new toe box with side tabs to sew up in the same position as the original toe box, how can I attach the new toe box to the sole of the skate around the front?

I was thinking about cutting the new toe box with the above mentioned side tabs, but also a little "lip" around the bottom edges that would wrap around and under the sole of the skate so I could put a couple of rivets up into the sole to hold it firm, but I am assuming that may weaken the sole somewhat....

Now before anyone says "why bother, just buy new skates", I have thought about that but comparing $700 for new skates against $10-15 in rivets and glue for an experiment, given my fabrication experience, I would like to give it a go.

Opinions/Ideas anyone?


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The main problem is the width of the toe box, and plastic doesn't stretch too well mate....

Why not just get a new cap from Graf? Or better yet send them in to Graf and have them do the work properly?

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For 1) above: I think the sole needs the toe cap to be firmly attached to the quarters for structural strength. For example, I have seen some TotalOnes whose toe caps have unthreaded from the quarters, and the soles are cracked. This might be from combinations of the toes being kicked against the boards, taking impacts, and the skate holder flexing.

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Why not just get a new cap from Graf? Or better yet send them in to Graf and have them do the work properly?

How would replacing a graf toe cap with another graf toe cap fix the problem? Its already the widest toe cap they make?

And the work would be done properly, I have fabricated more things that I can mention on here

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