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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best Outdoor Wheel

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I have been reading some forums about wheels and was wondering what outdoor wheel you guys would recommend coming from the wheels on Vapor X:05 blades. Choices include:

Labeda Asphault

Labeda Gripper Asphault

Revision Agent Orange

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Well, outdoor also comes in many forms, it might help to know on what surface you intend to play.

Some guys playing at a nice "smoothened" outdoor rink tore their wheels apart on our rough tarmac, where so far only the Hyper 250 have gained widespread acceptance :(

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The surface is smooth Asphault along with playing on my driveway.

Then it depends on how smooth the asphalt is and how much you weigh. At around 155 lbs, I use the Labeda Shooters 78A wheel on our smooth asphalt outdoor rink. I've tried 82A and 84A wheels, and while they do last longer I have no grip and feel the wheels sliding out on turns and pushing off. But we also have a number of guys closer to 200 lbs that are skating on the Labeda Asphalts who never seem to have an issue.

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