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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which spacers?

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Which spacers are best for regular 608 bearings? I was told the top one in the picture is more suited for mini bearings. I've never really paid attention to the spacers.


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It's not really about what is best. I've used both types before and notice no performance differences. It depends on what type of axles your chassis uses.. There are also different diameter sizes for spacers - you want to make sure your skate axels just fit through without leaving too much extra space. Check what's in your skates now and stick with that size/setup. If you don't have anything in your skates now then try to go to a store that carries spacers and bring one wheel, two bearings and an axle and then you'll be sure that you're getting the right sized spacer.

Oh, and the top spacer is called a floating spacer - I use that now with Sprungs and standard 608 bearings.

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The top one is for 8mm diameter axles, typically used on Rbk and CCM skates. The bottom one is for 6mm axles typically used on Mission and Bauer skates.

Mini and 608 bearings have an 8mm internal diameter and work with both spacers. The diameter of the axle dictates which spacer you will use.

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