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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Stick Question

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Hey, so I'm in line for a new stick for the fall season and am looking at Bauer Vapor sticks. I was thinking about going ahead and just getting the X4.0 as it is around my pricepoint and I'd like to get the stick sooner rather than later. But, my question is, with Bauer's new Nexus line coming out soon as well as the fact that it's summer, do you think the price of some of the Vapor sticks might go down? Would it be worth it to wait and see if I can get the X6.0 for cheaper? Thanks for the help.

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So I recently bought a senior Bauer Vapor X4.0, 77 flex. After cutting it down the flex is more like 95 which seems a bit too stiff for me. I just today won an intermediate Bauer Vapor APX (67 flex) for very cheap. If I cut down the APX I think the flex will be up to about 77. Is that good for a winger who is 5'8'', 140 (my playstyle is mostly wristshots and snapshots)? So should I stick with the X4.0 and sell the APX or keep the APX and sell the X4.0?

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Trying them out sounds good, but the fact is, if I use lets say the APX and don't like it, then a lot of its value is decreased and it will be hard to sell and make some $ back. My question is really is 77 flex ok as I have never used a stick w/ such a low flex? Also, I just want to make sure that it won't snap on me or anything

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What flex are you used to?

If i was you I would try out with 4.0 first as using it wont make it loose too much value.

An intermediate stick might be too flexy for you, even if you cut it down.

You could always sell the apx, and invest that money in a 77 flex easton stick If you need a senior stick that isnt too stiff when you cut it down.

Easton sticks come with a softer flex then marked. When you cut it down 3 inches it becomes the flex marked on the stick.

(So a 77 flex easton stick out of the box is actually like closer to like a 67 flex. Then you cut it down to your prefered stick length and It will be about 77-80 flex.)

Let me know if you need more advise.

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