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3yo wants to play this fall -- no helmets fit her

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Hi all, my daughter has watched my son, 6, play hockey for three years and wants to play this fall. We have a mini-mite program here in Peoria that is a learn to skate, learn to play. No contact and well it's a bunch of 3 to 6 year old falling down on the ice. A few of the older kids can skate but plenty of the first-years can't. My girl has been in skating lessons wearing a bike helmet but this fall, if she signs up, she needs a hockey helmet.

We have tried on Bauer's 2100 and an Easton (don't know the model). Both were XS and neither fit. both were way too big. We are going to check out CCM in a few weeks but is it okay if she were to wear a knit hat or something under the helmet to take up space. I realize that you want the helmet snug but not too tight to protect the head. Will wearing a hat under the helmet interfere with the helmet's ability to protect?

Season doesn't start until October and that's when we'd need a helmet so she might grow in that time and the question moot. But I was wondering and thought I would ask the experts here. Thanks in advance.

Andy in Peoria

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Bauer makes a tyke helmet which they inherited from Mission - it is the M10. It is their smallest helmet - goes down to 18.8" circumference.

I believe it has two sets of pads with the helmet to cut down on the space.

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Get her the smallest possible, if it's a little loose she'll be okay. You can try a cap underneath it won't hurt. At that age as long as it stays on thier noggin your okay. Make sure to get the smallest cage to go with it. Nothing worse than a youth helmet with an adult large cage

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Thanks. I was going to look at whatever fit her and would buy accordingly. THe helmets we tried on were so big that well, the helmet went past her eye brows and was still going. We haven't looked at those other helmets because, well, (and take this the right way), they didn't look substantial. I don't want to go on looks alone but well, they looked like toy helmets. I want something that will protect her but also will fit and be something that a kid would like. We'll try to find those at our LHS.

Andy in Peoria.

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The M10 is slightly smaller than the Lil Sport.

+1 on the M10 (I think it's the M104 now), it fit my youngest son when he was just over 2 years old... definitely smaller then the XS helmets. Just watch the velcro tabs that hold the pads in, as they easily can pull away from the foam liner... and if you lose one of the pads, good luck trying to get Bauer to send you a new one (trust me from experience, lol).

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Thanks. We'll look at them. And if it works, I'll post pictures of the girl in her new helmet, complete with Hello Kitty stickers. She wanted pink but CCM stopped making it, I found it. So we compromised and are going to look for a white helmet she can put her stickers on. I know, but she wants to play hockey. It's better than ballet.

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