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Eagle River Pond Hockey Info Needed

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Hey Guys I did a search and found that some guys have played in this in the past. I am thinking of getting a team together this year and was hoping to get some info on the tourney. I've been to the USA Hockey website so I know the basics about the divisions and what not, but I was hoping to get some real info from guys who have played in it. Basically these are the things I'm looking for:

Who's played in it and how was your experience?

What format did you use to sign up?

Where did you stay?

Are there any good places to booze it up afterwards?

How was the gameplay?

Any other information would be greatly appreciated as I can't seem to get any good info on it online. Thanks in advance!

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Who's played in it and how was your experience?

What format did you use to sign up?

Where did you stay?

Are there any good places to booze it up afterwards?

How was the gameplay?

Any other information would be greatly appreciated as I can't seem to get any good info on it online. Thanks in advance!

1) I've played in it for 5 years. It's a great time and the first time you step out of the changing tent and see 24 rinks full at 0 degrees really takes your breath away.

2) Fax form on registration day

3) Chanteclear Inn - it's sold out so you'll be staying in a hotel or rental house if you can find one. Look at booking/wait listing a year in advance.

4) We used to go to a place called SweetWater but last year a new place opened called the Penatly Box. Everyone seemed to go there. There's plenty of places to go out at night.

5) Just about every team sandbags. If you are a C league team in a novice or intermediate level you will be outplayed. You must win all 3 games to make the playoffs (at least that's how it feels) Tie breaker is goal differential. We had one team that won all 3 games tight and didn't make the playoffs.

If you go, buy your merchandise on day one. It's sold out by day two. Don't speed too fast going north. WI cops suck.

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I tried to register as a first year team. So far no confirmation yet. So I am not holding my breath.

A buddy has been going up 3-4 years got in.

That sucks that people sandbag. I don't understand that mentality at all.

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4 teams?! Wow congrats.

Somehow the email I sent at 11:20 am central time was "lost" so I got on the giant waiting list.

I am a little bitter, but what can you do? USA Hockey needs to prep their servers better for this registration or use an outside system off their servers. They should gurantee division winners get a spot as well. But I disagree with all the facebook people who say anyone who has already played should automatically get a spot. How would anyone new gte in?

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