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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Grit hockey towers 33" or 36"

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Hey guys.. I'm looking at getting a Grit Hockey tower... I'm not sure if I should get a 33" or 36 inch model. I don't use shoulder pads anymore. But for those of you that have them I'd like to know your thoughts

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36" and get the ht2 or ht4 they are slightly different than the ht1. 33" is simply to small for adult equipment. Don't risk it The only downside is that they do not fit into a trunk very easily. Great product otherwise if you have the extra money. I have the ht4. It really is a game changer.

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Another +1 for the 36". The 33" is fine for a small peewee or below. But if you have larger equipment, and/or like to carry any extra stuff, you'll need the 36". I bought my 8-year old the 36" so he'll grow into it... and I am glad I did, as he tends to carry about 5-6 jerseys and sets of socks in the bottom of it.

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36" and get the ht2 or ht4 they are slightly different than the ht1. 33" is simply to small for adult equipment. Don't risk it The only downside is that they do not fit into a trunk very easily. Great product otherwise if you have the extra money. I have the ht4. It really is a game changer.

What exactly is the difference between them? I've been looking around online and other than colors/look I can't find the differences.

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What exactly is the difference between them? I've been looking around online and other than colors/look I can't find the differences.

Ht4 has even more ventilation and can be folded flat when empty... Not sure why u would want the second feature but there ya go. Other than that everything is the same in the ht2.

They changed the pockets in the ht2/ht4 so your skate sit different, toes pointing up and blade faces the back. In the ht1 the skates sit blade down with toe pointed toward you.


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Costco's selling a knockoff of the Grit bag as well, albeit it is really cheap quality.

As for that Snipervision RackDri the last thing someone buying one of these bags wants is an external drying rack. If I have to take out all of my gear to dry, why not just get a traditional wheel bag? Why lug the unnecessary weight of the drying rack with you to the rink? The Grit advertises itself as a drying tower that you can simply unzip and allow air to flow through. For some people that convenience is worth the hefty price tag.

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Ht4 has even more ventilation and can be folded flat when empty... Not sure why u would want the second feature but there ya go. Other than that everything is the same in the ht2.

They changed the pockets in the ht2/ht4 so your skate sit different, toes pointing up and blade faces the back. In the ht1 the skates sit blade down with toe pointed toward you.


Meh, is that worth it? I ask because posters above said the HT2/4 are a lot better, but to me $40 for a fold-flat feature seems a bit steep. Is the frame significantly better? I'm surprised these things are $210 when other bags with built in fans are cheaper. Still, I'd like a tower as i think it'd be easier to use in the cramped LR's at our local rink.

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