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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Round pad in shin guard

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Hey guys,

After washing my gear I discovered round pads inbetween the shell of the shin guard and the backing. They have a glue stain on the back but i cant see any spot inside where they could have been stuck.

Anyone have any idea where these are ment to be? and do I even need to keep them?




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I assume right on the knee cap. Probably to help where the knee would actually contact the plastic through the padding. You should be able to orientate it using the circle shaped indentation on the inside of the liner where your knee goes.

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Thats what I thought, I appreciate the info. Do you think its worth re-gluing?

*just checked and I'm able to feel the spot where they were, now i need glue suggestions? a 2 part apoxy?

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Thats what I thought, I appreciate the info. Do you think its worth re-gluing?

Very much worth re-gluing. Partially tore my patellar tendon in October by falling directly on a similar spot on a pair of Bauer One 90's where the padding/honeycomb had come loose.

Still can't kneel on that knee and have on-going issues with pain and strength.

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