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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Taping a GripTac Stick

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I just for my Nexus 600 stick. It's the first one I've had with grip on it.

I was wondering, do you need to tape up the end of the stick as there is already grip on it?

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It's a personal preference thing. I tape the end of my stick because I'm used to it. If you dont want to, then try it without taping it, you can always tape it later if you dont like the feel.

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Yeah it's up to you. I personally would rather go without tape as I like the more responsive feel of the stick/puck. Know that if you leave it untaped, the grip could eventually peel away.

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Taping the handle and end serve different purposes depending on the individual. Taping the shaft is done for feel and grip while taping the end has more to do with hand placement and picking the stick up off the ice.

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Regardless of whether or not the stick has a grip coating, the vast majority of players will fully tape the butt end of their stick with cloth tape, grip tape, gauze tape or a tacki-mac. By fully tape I mean some sort of knob, and then 4"+ of tape to grip with your glove. I've seen the odd player just use a small knob, and otherwise use the butt end bare, but it's pretty rare. I've never seen anyone leave the butt end totally bare.

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I would recommend putting some tape on the end for grip on the top of the stick. Just so the grip doesn't peel off, also you could use grip tape on top of regular cloth tape for more grip at the top.

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