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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rob 3d

What glove is it?

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itech. model could be a lot of different ones. that had a few in that design. first of which was the i-90s. i loved the i-90s i had.

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yeah, they sorta look like I-90s, I've always tried to find I-90s on ebay but it never returns anything. those palms were bulletproof, literally

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no kidding about the palms. i still have my old ones in my garage. the only thing left intact are the kevlar palms. too bad no other company tried kevlar palms. last forever.

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The gloves are NHL(PRO) HG 855. The Pro verison was different from retail. I recall answering a post previously about Andrei Nikolishins wearing the same gloves in Colorado.

The gloves are not the I-90's similar in style but a way better glove. Also Itech was not the only company to use Kevlar. Others did as well, however the kevlar palms never lasted on many.

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