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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pisani's neighbours are pissed off!

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I was hoping for at least a photo of the rink. How is this any different than a neighbor shooting basketball late at night? Some people just look for something to complain about.

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I was hoping for at least a photo of the rink. How is this any different than a neighbor shooting basketball late at night? Some people just look for something to complain about.

It's more common than you'd think. I remember a "field of dreams" type story where a family built a full size baseball field into their land, complete with stadium lights. After a fight with the township, they have restrictions on how late the lights can be on, they have to stop using hardballs after a certain time of night, and they can only use wooden bats, no metal.

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I put up my first one this year. Got all the weird stares from the neighbors and explained what I was doing. They were all pretty cool about it, and I asked them to come to me with any complaints on the lights. One guy asked to adjust a few that were lighting up his living room pretty good. Once it was all worked out, and I always had them shut down by 9, everyone was pretty cool about it.

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