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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Volume issue?

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Probably I have a volume issue

After a breaking time my Graf G75 starts to fit strange -(

There is my pencil test now:


But while they were new the pencis test was almost successful!

Now I feel not enough support in my right feet, also I feel hard pressure in the top outside upper edge area of boot -(

Old method with taping around shin and tendon guard is working, but I guess it is not way

Does anybody say me - if I would make some eyelets behind existed - might it correct the volume problem?


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As your skate breaks in your foot will slide back further into the skate creating more "room".

I am having a hard time seeing exactly how much room is between the pen and your foot from your image. Keeping in mind that it looks like the laces are under the pen, and that your pen isn't a consistent thickness making it look even worse in certain parts.

The G75 is a lower-cut boot, which for me led to issues with not enough support, even in a nearly perfect fit.

Has the swollen area on the front of your ankle only started since you started to wear the G75 skates? It definitely looks like the product of some rubbing/pressure.

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They are pro stock returned - black liner, addition padding and absolutely no aestetic like "G75 ultra" etc

I guess the "lower cut" is not an answer because my left foot fits absolutely perfect

Also, my previous G70 fits me very well

I'm going to do 3-4 pair of eyelets pair on the top of boot behind existed to reduce volume of skate - hope it helps -)

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