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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kyle  Friedman

Difference in Lie between Pm9 and Iginla curves.

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I play forward and I have been using a pm9/zetterburg curve for a while now and I love it but, im looking to get a little more out of my stick handling and shots.

I seem to over shoot the net because of the flat, very slightly open face on the pm9, plus i have noticed that i seem to whiff shot with it every once and a while.

I have used the iginla curve and I love it, its exactly what im looking for, its less open and has a tiny bit more curve to it.

My only concern is the difference in Lie. How big of a difference will the 5 lie (pm9) vs the 5.5 lie (iginla) curve be? And what can I do to make the lie right for me?

Will leaving my stick an inch or so longer or cutting it an inch or so shorter fix the problem?

Thanks for any advise.

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I use both, pm9 on a totalone and iginla on a RS. I regularly swap between them with no issues except for slap shots (where I prefer the totalone cause it's still going strong after 8 months of slap shot practice). When using the iginla to slap shot with I hold my bottom hand a little lower so as to shorten the stick otherwise the blade strike is more heel than middle of the blade. Cutting the RS an inch or so would achieve the same thing but I prefer my sticks to be the same length. At the end of the day it all depends on how much practice you put in, after a while the slight variances in the curve don't matter that much until you become really really good and demand consistency all the time.

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Thanks for the imput. I use a pm9 total one currently, and im looking at possibly getting an iginla rs in the near future. Which stick do you like more?

The number one thing i like more about the iginla curve is, i find ripping quick (snap) shots to be much easier with the iginla vs the pm9.

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i've used both too. i like pm9 for ice and iginla for inline. i take a 1/2" off the length of my stick for the iginla versus the pm9 due to the lie difference. i do this without cutting the stick: i tape the top of my shaft with the full width of tape for when i use iginla. when i use pm9, i use only half the width of the tape.

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If you are worried about the lie from a PM9 to Iginla, you could try to find a Bauer P89 curve. The P89 is not as big a curve the Iginla, but the lie is pretty much identical to the PM9.

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Thanks for the imput. I use a pm9 total one currently, and im looking at possibly getting an iginla rs in the near future. Which stick do you like more?

Depends where I'm playing. I prefer the Totalone for Defense, the RS for forward. I prefer the mid kick and the lie of the totalone for slap shots, I get just a little more zing out of them than I do from the RS and the totalone, after 8 months of hard use, has been solid as - all I could ever ask from a stick. I love the RS for puck handling and getting in front of the net, I find the low kick point suits my style of game in this position. Both sticks are great and I would happily use one or the other in either position, with the luxury of both in my stick bag and I can choose at will and have settled on this.

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