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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Player Specific "pro spec" Gloves

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So I've browsed the forums and haven't seen much in regards to "pro spec" gloves, mainly Easton. I've seen guys here who have ordered gloves through PSHG with "Cammy Specs" as well as other players. I know they can be ordered based on player. I'm curious, is there any information out there calling out players and their specific glove specifications? It's been my experience, though not much, that the pro stock Easton gloves vary from player to player.. gussets change, palm materials change.. some of those changes I like, others.. not so much.

Just curious if there is a source for these gloves... a breakdown on options, etc? I know PSHG has them listed, but I don't have a vast knowledge of all the Easton glove materials. Is there a good starting point anyone can recommend?


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Sometimes players have a certain way they like there gloves. Like they have more padding where they want it and also have the cuffs altered the way they want them. Basically the palms are like other companies in terms of selection in terms of customization. But you can get the works on PSHG. Hope that helped a bit sorry if it didn't!

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