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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kyle  Friedman

Heatley vs Iginla curve differences.

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Correct me if I am mistaken but the Iginla and Heatley curves are essentially the same curve accept' The heatley is a medium length blade with a lie 5, Iginla is a short blade with a like 5.5. Am i correct?

(I am aware the the heatley has a slightly squarer toe).

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I believe that is correct. You could probably use them interchangeably as long as you cut down the iginla a bit more than the heatley (or do i have that backwards?)

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Correct me if I am mistaken but the Iginla and Heatley curves are essentially the same curve accept' The heatley is a medium length blade with a lie 5, Iginla is a short blade with a like 5.5. Am i correct?

(I am aware the the heatley has a slightly squarer toe).

Yes, yes and yes.

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