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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Gloves and Goalie Pads

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Gloves: Add $10 for shipping to the price. I am a righty, so I am showing the left palms of the gloves where most of the wear is. These gloves absolutley have zero smell.


-Team USA Prostock XXXX Gloves. 14in. $75+Shipping Sold

- Pro Stock Reebok gloves. 13in. Custom MSH2 palms that a pretty much new. $85 + Shipping

- Rare Custom Retro Bauer 4 Rolls. 13in. 85 + Shipping


Brand new Pro-stock Reebok 9k Goalie pants. Made for the University of Michigan. Size XL. $100 + $20 shipping


Full Set Reebok Premier 3 Pro. Size 31 +1. They pretty well used. Some of the Nylon on the back was ripping, I've repaired it with tape. INT Blocker has simular repair done. INT One piece catcher that has a line cut into the palm to make it catch easier. $120 + $40 shipping for the set. SOLD


I have perfect feedback here and ebay, buy with confidence. Shipping prices are to the continental US only. I prefer not shipping international, PM me and maybe we can work something out.

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