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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate model/fit advice - Wore out Easton S12s

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So after about 18 months of hard skating 1-3 times a week I thrashed a pair of Easton S12s. I had been warned about their durability but bought them anyway. Though they worked well intially, the poor quality quickly started to show.

The first thing I notice was that the rivets started to rust even though I was pulling the insoles and putting them in front of a fan after every skate. In went downhill from there. A lot of the stitching around the tenon guard started to let go. Then the upper on the outside of each side of the boot separated from the quarter package. This made it difficult to snug the boot down because the side of the boot would lay over instead of pulilng the side of the boot tighter. Then I had a rivet let go (which I had fixed, but have 1 or 2 more that are loose now). Finally the boots started to fail where the upper met the toecap; one or two eyelets up from the bottom pull way in to the middle.

So I embarked on a journey for new skates. Prior to the Eastons I had a starter pair of Missions. After trying on Bauer, Reebok, and Easton, I chose the S12s because they locked my narrow heels in well. Paying $300+ I thought I'd get more than 18 months out of them. Though I skate hard and aggresively, I don't break 145 lbs.

I'm on the market again. The S12s are 7.5D (I wear an 8.5-9 shoe). I had my heart set on Vapor X5.0s but after wearing a 6.5D around the house for an hour, I don't think it is meant to be. I haven't had them baked yet, but they were killing the outside of my foot from the forefoot, to especially the tip of my punky toe (see pic of foott afterward). The right foot was worst, but the left wasn't much better. There was also some pressure at the side of the base of my big toe. It wasn't horrible pain, but based on how red my foot was just walking and sitting for an hour, I smell trouble.

So here are my thoughts:

1. I really want(ed) the Bauers to work. They look solid, heels felt good, etc. (sold on the marketing as well, it's the only skate I know about). How much more comfortable will these get baked/broken in?. I think some punching might help, but the problem with the pinky is in the toecap. Can the toecap be punched?

2. My feet are odd maybe. Narrow heals, high instep, and a normal width (I guess) forefoot. They're not big at all, but my high arches call for a little more volume I think (which might cause the problem with my heels). The S12s felt like I could have used a litte more room over my instep. What other skates should I be looking at? What's comparable to the X5.0s (durability/feature/vaule wise)? I play center, and skate more with fast legs than I do powerful efficient strides.

I moved from MI (LHS heaven) to DC. Which is well, DC. I don't have a bottomless budget though I could probably push 4 bills before my wife gets antsy. I certainly don't want to burn $300 again.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


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Since the Easton's fit you well, i'd check out the EQ50 and/or the new RS. I haven't fitted skates in a loooooooong time, but I would also suggested the newer CCM's. Try on as many pairs as you possible can. Sure, one brand might have this or another brand might have that, but you can't beat a skate that fits you perfectly, regardless of who makes it.

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Pretty much what Krev said. The EQ line fits similar to that Stealth line but with slightly wider upper quarters (which I believe should wrap around after break-in/baking) and a narrower forefoot. Definitely try a Supreme boot.

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2. My feet are odd maybe. Narrow heals, high instep, and a normal width (I guess) forefoot. They're not big at all, but my high arches call for a little more volume I think (which might cause the problem with my heels). The S12s felt like I could have used a litte more room over my instep. What other skates should I be looking at? What's comparable to the X5.0s (durability/feature/vaule wise)? I play center, and skate more with fast legs than I do powerful efficient strides.

Based on your foot, give the Easton EQ50 or the Easton RS a try. I have a very similar foot, and the EQ50 was the best fit for me. I can't really compare it to the S12 because I never wore that skate.

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Thanks for the advice all.

As I bound my Eastons down tonight I started to wonder if maybe my heel problems are more related to having a deep instep. If the skate doesn't properly comform to that part of my foot maybe that's why I can pull my heel up. I can definitely feel it when I straighten my foot with no weight on it.

I'll try on the Supremes for sure. I'm leary of the Eastons given my last experience with them... and I'm not sure they fit exactly right over the top of my foot (high instep). That's where I start to get discomfort when I bind the laces down to get my heel to stay put.

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