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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer NXG skate vs. Graf Ultra G75 Lite Skate?

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What are you thoughts on these skates? I'm once again in the market for new skates. I have used Bauer one95 skates in the past, I have never used Grafs skates before. For me both skates feel good on my feet

Thank you

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The low-ish cut of the G75's didn't work for me. I also felt that the G75 had little protection when it came to taking passes, shots, or even sticks off any portion of the boot.

Between the two, I like the feel, technology, performance and protection of the NXG.

I'll also add that the G75 felt the best on my foot in the store out of any skate on the market at the time, but this completely changed when skating.

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I just purchased the g75's after coming from one95's and couldn't be happier. The liner and tongues of the grafs are a hundred times comfier. I had mine profiled to be a little more on my heels and have had no loss in performance. While I have never tried the NXGs, I can say that the g75's were much better than my bauers, which I liked alot.

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