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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shafts and RH Sticks

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Slowly cleaning out my gear closet, so will be putting some sticks and shafts here (will put more in as I get around to it). I will toss in any of the blades listed HERE for an extra $12.


Combat .52 Cal S ~ 80 flex ~ IC (Iginla) ~ $55 shipped in U.S.


Used for 6-8 men's league games. No structural damage, though there is a slight "dent" on the tip of the blade (don't know how to describe it, it isn't a crack though). I put a little epoxy on it just in case, but I really don't see it effecting anything. 58" measured from the top of the stick to the heel.


TPS R8 Tapered Shaft ~ "Regular Flex"/95 ~ $50 shipped in U.S.

Honestly don't know how much use it had, as it turned out to be a bit too stiff (I typically use a 75 flex). No damage aside from some normal wear in the paint. I cut maybe 1"-1.5" off, now measures 53.5". The "Regular" flex on these was 95.


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