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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok Pro Series gloves

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Hi, I had those gloves for 2 seasons and really loved them. Now I'm looking for a new pair and can't find them anywhere online... Looks like they don't do them anymore, but I can't beleive I'm not able to find a pair anyways.

Reebok Pro Series Gloves - 13in in the Capitals color


Thanks for helping!

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I'd double check, if they are the ones in the picture, you are set. Give 'em a call.


Thanks you're right. Just called and he told me I was correct, they don't have the Capitals colors and the BLUE/WHITE/RED is more like the Rangers colors as I though.

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I know you want the Caps colorway but maybe it is going to come down to deciding if the glove (ie fit, palm, feel) is more important or the colors if it is the glove I would grab up a navy-white pair and be happy you found the glove you like or look to a different manufacturer.

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