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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TS4 Curve?

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Got a guy who has played a lot of ball and inline hockey in Germany and he wants to join our club. He used a TS4 curve and is looking for something similar. Can't find any reference to it in current patterns, can anyone shed any light as to a similar curve in Easton / Bauer / Reebok (what is a Reebok 04 curve)?

It is known as:

Sherwood NSTRIKE Devil Composite Blade Senior (curve TS4)

Sherwood SWD 907 Carbon Pro Blade Senior (curve TS4)

INSTRIKE X-Hard SKY ABS Blade (curve TS04)

And these companies have a TS4 curved blade in their program:

RBK (as 04)

Sherwood (as TS4)

CCM/Koho/Jofa (as P4)

Franklin 6005 ABS Cross Over (as TS4)

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