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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Throwing Out a Distress Signal

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If ANYONE knows of ANYPLACE that might by some off chance still have any pairs of the old white Nike Air Accel Elites, Fedorov model in a size men's 6 PLEASe PM me!!!

I've heard of some people spotting them at various Nike outlets and LHS's across the country from time to time on this and other forums. I even found a pair at a Sports Authority on clearance..........

I troll ebay constantly for these.

Mod's, I dunno if this belongs in here or the "buy" forum, move it if you must.

But I implore anyone who can help out, please do. I'd be willing to throw in some extra cash to make it worth anyone's while!!!

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They really are on ebay all the time. I still regret selling mine off. They may have weighed a ton and took on water like the titanic, but they looked great and were so comfortable. They had the best insoles ever in my opinion.

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no offense guys, but i gotta say those were one of the ugliest skates ive ever seen.

neo, if i may ask... why do you want a pair so bad?

When they are brand new they look great..... I am not talking about the piss yellow or jet black they become with use...

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There are a few reasons I want them:

As someone mentioned, I love the insoles on them. I put those zoom air's in most of my other skates and it seems to flatten out the arch area for me, they hold up great, and the cushioning is awesome.

I've looked at shock dr's and even the Ultra series don't look as cushiony.

Two, if I ever get a chance to have them autographe'd that'd be awesome.

Three, I am one those people that loved the look of those skates.......vanity maybe?

And I also see them on ebay, but size 6's are tough to come by.

Thanks for all the replies! Keep any and all info comin'............feel free to PM if you like!

EDIT: Even if you see them as inlines, lemme know, I don't mind converting them. :ph34r: :P

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