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Preds in the playoffs

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Guest phillyfan

I was watching Sportscenter, and I don't recall seeing Nashville on the bracket they had up, I saw St. Louis?

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It's too bad that it came down to beating us (the Canucks) to keep their hopes alive. It would of been awesome to have all the Canadian teams in the post season. That win did clinch us the nw division though so that was awesome. 1st time in 9 years that Colorado didn't win the division so it was a pretty big deal for us here in Vancouver.

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Thats gotta hurt to be an Avs fan, with the riverly between the two and knowing the Canucks did it without Bertuzzi, well down the stretch. I thoguht Colorado underachieved this year, with all the talent on that team. But it all comes down to the playoffs so time will tell.

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Hurting doesn't have anything to do with the Canucks and the whole Bertuzzi thing, it's all about the Avs choking down the stretch. It was their division to win and they choked in the last 10 or 15 games.

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I never got why they gave only 2 days rest for the playoffs. I know that they don't want to wait a while and prolong the Cup, but would making it a week really hurt? Think about all of the injuries people could fully recover from in that time, plus the vets could get more rest, so teams wouldn't be forced to sit out players in their last few games as much. Just a thought.

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If they took a week off, more people would tune out the playoffs and it would kill the momentum any team built up.

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