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APXR size question

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I have a pair of Mission Axiom T9's in 11D. These skates fit perfectly, but are wearing out. Is there much difference in the sizing of the T9's and the Bauer APXR's?

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So the APXR basically locks your foot in while the T9 allows for some wiggle room?

If the t9 gives you wiggle room then it doesn't fit right. The skate should fit snugly. The t9s fit me perfect besides the toe cap being alittle small, but the apxrs are painfully tight on the sides of my feet.

If one skate fits you comfortably, the other definitely won't.

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I was under the belief that APXR's fitted, lengthwise, similar to RX60's. In RX60's you need 1/2 a size bigger (compared to Rbk, Mission or other ranges of Bauer skates) so isn't this the case for APXR's?

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in the end, they will all be the same size. one may seen different because of the volume of the boot or the amount of ankle padding, but in the end, that ankle padding will compress and your heel will slide back a bit

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Even after my son wore my RX60's for over a year, I still can't get my feet into them. Toes crunch against the toe box. Same size Rbk, Mission or Bauer (R/M/B) I fit with a couple of mm to spare. Also Alkali are the same length wise as RX60's, my CA9's are 1/2 a size larger than R/M/B and the length is perfect (toes not quite touching the cap when laced up).

Others here have also noticed a difference in the length of certain boots and have had to go up / down 1/2 a size to get a better fit so not all boots are built to the same length.

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The skate is the same size length wise. Maybe your heel wasn't seated all the way back due to how narrow the heel pocket is? I know that I could hardly fit my feet in, and I have a pretty average width foot. Usually the width of the toe box makes you feel like the boot is shorter.

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I have narrow heels and in Rbks etc my feet roll in the boot even though the length is perfect hence I got CA9's specifically because they are the narrowest skate currently on the market.

I know someone with APXR's but I won't get to see him until Saturday so will measure up his foot and skates then to confirm the skate length.

However for other boots, I've measured the skates lengthwise (inside and out) and a size 6 Rbk (9k, 10k), Bauer (RX25), Mission (T6, T8, T9, T10) are the same length as a size 6.5 RX60, CA9.

And the difference is not minor, put the heels on a flat surface with the skate facing upwards and looking at the toe caps the difference in length is plain to see. I've been told APXR's follow RX60 sizing but I will confirm this when I get hold of the APXR's.

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Got hold of a pair of 7EE APXR's tonight. I can definitely confirm they are the same as Rbk / Mission / Bauer (excluding RX60's) sizing. I have about 1cm of space at the back of the heel so if I was buying APXR's I would buy size 6.

Some comments about them - very narrow heel (much tighter behind and under the ankle bone than my CA9's), ultra stiff boot, tongue seemed very thin. Can't comment on how they would eventually break in as they weren't mine and were too big but the owner of them said that after 6 months of use they fitted him like a glove.

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