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Replacement strap for elbow pad

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I have a pair of Jofa pro-stock elbow pads (size 5) and one of the velcro straps that goes around my bicep needs replacing. Does anyone sell these things? It is simply a six-inch long one-and-a half inch wide elastic strap with velcro on one end. I guess I could search for a similar piece of elastic and have shoe-repair place do it, but if I can just order if from somewhere I would rather do that. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

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Cannibalize a piece of elastic strap from an old pair of unused pads, cut off the sewed on end of the strap up about an inch and sew on the replacement strap onto that stub. You can change the length of the final strap by cutting off the necessary amounts from your cannibalized strap. Easy.

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Go to a fabric store, Joann's fabric or similar. Or a hobby lobby or Michael's. They all sell the elastic strap and velcro for pennies. A standard sewing machine will do the trick on the velcro and elastic as they are not that heavy duty. To attach it to the pad, grab the speedy stitcher from anyone of the numerous retailers (12 bucks). You could probably have it done at a tailors shop for cheaper but the speedy stitcher will come in handy down the road.

Not to get off track, but I picked one up after feedback here and have done some equipment, my buddy's boat top, and my brothers jeep top.

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I have replaced the elastic and velcro on elbow pads before. Elastic is relatively easy; like previoius posters said can cut the old elastic to a stub and attach either a cannabilized piece of elastic or a new piece from the fabric store. A temporary fix if the elastic isn't completely stretched out is to double over the elastic an inch or two and sew on a standard sewing machine to shorten it or cut and inch or so out of the elastic and sew the pieces back together.

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Go with a piece of heavy duty nylon instead of elastic. It won't stretch, but it also won't stretch out. A thick piece of neoprene would also be a better (and more expensive) option than elastic.

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I recently sent mine to TSR to get repaired. Will post a picture of the repair when I get them back.

I got my elbow pads back last week and they are GREAT!! When I originally sent them they got them back to me with in 5 working days. I tried them on and the strap was to short for me. I called them and explained the issue. They told me to send them back and write the specs that I was needing. I did this and once again, within 5 working days I had my elbow pads back and better than when I first got them. Sorry no pics. Will post within the next couple of days. These guys are great to communicate with and do an awesome job. I'll be sending them a pair of gloves after the new year. Props to TSR!

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