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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate question

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Been skating on a pair of Bauer Vapor X4.0's since June about 2-3 days a week (usually 2). They've broken in quite nice, but i started to have a few issues. i think that the boot volume is too low and I'm cutting off circulation. I did the pencil test and when I start at the top of the boot and work my way down at about the third eyelet from the top the pencil is touching all foot.

if I don't crank down on the laces too much from the toe box up til about the third from the top, the circulation thing isn't as bad. But if i leave those laces looser, I crank down on the top three eyelets. problem I'm having now is that the boot is digging in to my left leg on the outside of my leg right by the top of the boot. i know, sounds like i'm crazy.

so i'm guessing the skate is just wrong for me. these are a size 6. i wear a 8.5 in sneakers and 8 in dress shoes. the 6.5 skate was too long. my toes were swimming in the toe box. i didn't like all that room. the 6's are great length wise, but i think the width and volume is an issue.

any recommendations on what to try next? i went to a local shop at a rink when i bought these, but it was some high school kid who told me to go the vapors since I had "normal, not wide feet" guess i'll get fitted some where else next time.

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Been skating on a pair of Bauer Vapor X4.0's since June about 2-3 days a week (usually 2). They've broken in quite nice, but i started to have a few issues. i think that the boot volume is too low and I'm cutting off circulation. I did the pencil test and when I start at the top of the boot and work my way down at about the third eyelet from the top the pencil is touching all foot.

if I don't crank down on the laces too much from the toe box up til about the third from the top, the circulation thing isn't as bad. But if i leave those laces looser, I crank down on the top three eyelets. problem I'm having now is that the boot is digging in to my left leg on the outside of my leg right by the top of the boot. i know, sounds like i'm crazy.

so i'm guessing the skate is just wrong for me. these are a size 6. i wear a 8.5 in sneakers and 8 in dress shoes. the 6.5 skate was too long. my toes were swimming in the toe box. i didn't like all that room. the 6's are great length wise, but i think the width and volume is an issue.

any recommendations on what to try next? i went to a local shop at a rink when i bought these, but it was some high school kid who told me to go the vapors since I had "normal, not wide feet" guess i'll get fitted some where else next time.

To be fair, you're the one who had them on and agreed to go with them. It's not all on him, there's only so much feedback he can give you without having the same feet as yours and trying them on...

Next time, try on other boots as well, don't settle! Most other skates are deeper than Vapor.

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Now that you know more about fitting yourself, simply try on as many skates as you can in your price point and see what feels best to you.

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Tried to skate yesterday with top eyelet not laced. It got rid of the pain where the boot was digging in to my leg.

But still cutting off circulation and everything felt loose and unstable. Damn.

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