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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing leather on gloves

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This is probably a dumb question but I'm usually good at asking those so here it goes.

A buddy of mine just sold me a pair of gloves that had a number stitched onto the thumb and was removed with a stitch remover. The glove wasn't torn up but has the imprint from the needle marks. Is their anyway to replace the leather on this section?

I talked to a couple of shoe repair places in my area and they said it was probably possible but they wouldn't be able to get at it for a couple of months since they don't usually do that type of work. Has anyone out there in the MSH world done this or know of anyone doing this?

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Peaches is an equip. manager for a team again (I think JR posted that a while back) so his responce time will likely be slower than it used to be.

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Mark at Peaches may take a day or two to get back to you, I sent him gloves on Saturday and he received them on Tuesday and I'm waiting to hear back from him regarding the total price w/shipping.

EDIT: I just got an email back from Mark, he's on the road until Monday with the team. Your best best is to email Mark at mjbrennanpdx@msn.com, as he won't be returning any phone calls until at least Monday.

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