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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tearing in boot liner

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I've got 5 year old Bauer XIX that have a hole and tear in the inside heel of the right foot skate that you can see here:


Is this fixable? Both this and a bit of the tendon guard tearing through the fabric have shown up recently. I undo the first three eyelets before sliding my foot out of the heel pocket to remove my skates -- and even take out the Superfeet too. Not rough on my skates at all, so I'm wondering if this kind of wear is expected or premature.

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Five years? That's great durability! Mine tore in less than a year. I've put in gel pads down there to help with the space that's developed there. I don't know if it's fixable or not, but from what I hear, NIKE/BAUER had notorious issues with it. My current RBKs held up much better than my previous N/B but after a year it still were both torn. It just develops when the fit in your heel and skate isn't perfect. Maybe try gel pads from your LHS if it becomes a further problem.

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it is fixable but I'm not sure if the whole boot will have to be re-lined or you could just patch. I had totally ripped up the liner on the tendon guard part on a pair of Bauer Vapor 8s. I had George's (www.hockeyrepair.com) re-line the skates. the work was spot on.

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