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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Christmas Shopping

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Marilyn Monroe DVD Box set - nuff said! Although the scumbags at the studios have split the set into two parts so that you have to pay more...curses...hope it's appreciated!

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I tried to tell her that all our people are told to use beat-up bags to deter theft, but she wasn't buying that. After seeing that price tag, I need to go see a street vendor for a nice knock-off, or sell my dog.

Try ebay... My mom bought a Coach bag off there for cheaper. It was authentic, just used.

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Shit, I may as well be getting her an engagement ring. I chipped away some of the smaller stuff and will see what else I'll toss in.

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Any idea for mom? I'm drawing a huge blank here. You can spare me the pearl necklace jokes.

Bath soaps, Day at the spa, Bath Robes, thats all I got. Sorry.

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Framed pictures of you with any sibling(s) is a nice, easy and appreciated one. Or something for their work.

Man, my mom would be like "I see you bastards all the time, I don't need a picture to remind me." LOL jk, that's probably just what I'll say to my kids in the future. ;)

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