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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor question

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Ive had vapor x3.0's for about 9 months love them best skates ive ever had for the price. Reffing and playing alot more lately lookin to get a 2nd pair and the x7.0 are on sale. Are they that much better?

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I am unsure either, but heard only great things about the x7.0. I would believe the 3.0 is a low end skate and not mid.

Googling and looking at the catalogues will answer most your questions about the differences.

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Went from 3.0 (low-mid level) to x:60 (which is the old 7.0, high-level), massive difference and wouldn't go back for anything - definitely worth it for playing, dunno about refing. If you can get em cheap then do it.

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Boy, the X3.0 is the lowest level Vapor skate from Bauer... Whereas the X7.0 is similar to the 2009 X60...which is a skate still worn in the NHL.

Not the same skate at all.

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Ive had vapor x3.0's for about 9 months love them best skates ive ever had for the price. Reffing and playing alot more lately lookin to get a 2nd pair and the x7.0 are on sale. Are they that much better?

Yes, they are significantly better. Especially if you are skating a lot. The X7.0 should be stiffer and much, much more durable.

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Yea theres atleast an x1 before it. I guess the x3.0 is a lower end but they have help up far better than i thought.

The x7's are down in price right now, just looking for opinions since none of my local shops have them to see in person.

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