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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Canadian Tire buys Pro Hockey Life

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I wonder if CT locations will get, as mentioned PHL sections in their stores. Where I live there's a source for sports, a CT and a Sport Chek, But I have never even thought about buying anything at ct apart from socks because their selection is so atrocious.

That's a good question, I'm thinking no though as PHL would occupy a higher pricing segment than CT, which is a more entry-level segment with Sportchek floating in the middle. At least that's what it's appearing to be.

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I can not see Target getting into Hockey either they do not do any in the US. If it was Dick's coming up now then I woul be wondering but you can only spread that hockey dolar so thin..................

From our visits to the stores, I'd say the big box retailers (Walmart, Target) and the big box sporting stores (Sports Authority, Dick's) are structured quite differently between the two countries, at least concerning hockey. I could see a family with a child new to hockey buying a starter kit, or maybe someone really on a shoestring buying sticks for $45, but their selection tends to be so anemic, it's hard to imagine any regulars shopping at one of those stores.

Then again, Sport Authority and DIck's carry 30-50 models of bats, so maybe if they expanded into Canada they would increase the selection of hockey equipment.

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There isn't ever a single way to make profit, a long term plan is a long term plan. I'm pretty sure nobody goes in there and tells the board that the first thing they should do is to lower prices... My point was that over time as changes occur, that could be the result. Especially if the effects of a better distribution system and perhaps better buying power trickles down.

Mad Line, I wasn't talking about regular retail prices, but prices as a whole including sales and clearances.

Maybe in the American market, but here in Canada that's not the case.

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