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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor X2.0 or Synergy EQ30 (2011) Skates

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Which would you reccomend between the two subject skates? I'm a new "D" level player, and haven't purchased skates in 10 years, but have skated since I was 5 years old (am 33 now). I can get the Synergy's on sale for $79, and the Vapor's at their normal price of $99.

Sorry for the rookie question; I tried to do a search as to not bother you guys, but came up empty. I'll wear Superfeet insoles as well in case that info helps. Great forum you have here, and thanks in advance.

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The thing about trying new skates is just that. You really have to try on different pairs to find the right fit for your foot. Every brand and every skate line fits differently from each other and even within the same line as well. Don't limit yourself to just those 2 skates. See if you can try on other makes in your price range and it would be better to have the SF inside every boot your try on.

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Try all brands and series available to you in regional hockey-shops, and go for fit over brand.

But a word of advice, don't "cheap out" on skates, you will regret it. As a hockey player you go on about replacing/upgrading bits and pieces of your gear all the time, but most keep skates for a rather long time. Invest a little more in skates and make it the last bit you plan to replace, you will not regret it as most low-level skates offer neither stiffness nor durability nor protection (a wrist-shot caused me to limp for two weeks in x.30, no problem in x:60).

When I did upgrade from vapor x.30 to vapor x:60 I just calculated how much more these would cost me for each session assuming I use them for two seasons - and the decision was clear :)

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Also, since you are considering the Vapors, look at the local PIAS type sporting goods stores and LHS's. I just bought a pair of Vapors for 50% off. They were the only model of skate in the shop that were discounted that much. The last pair of Vapors I bought were 50% off also. They seem to discount them deeply when they are getting closer to releasing a new model...just FYI...

Everything that AIREAYE says is correct about fit being king...

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In addition to the obvious and 100% accurate advice that fit is the most important thing, I would recommend "spending til it hurts" on skates. I was in your shoes a few years ago (30 years old, just getting into hockey) and I bought a pair of $100 Eastons. I did that because I was in the mode of having to buy everything, and lets face it, this sport aint cheap. However, A year later and I was buying $300 Bauers. Total cost, $400. Now, I like my supremes, but $400 is a serious pair of wheels. I hated like hell spending $300 on a pair of skates, but I don't regret it at all. Those eastons on the other hand.... pure regret.

In other news, those bauers I paid $300 two years ago (one70) are on sale now for $169. So I guess what I'm really saying is that you should increase your target price by 50% and hunt down a closeout deal.

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Thanks for all the feedback fellas. I'll take the advice and try on some different skates. I'll also check some different shops for discounts. Appreciate the comments. Take care.

Thanks for all the feedback fellas. I'll take the advice and try on some different skates. I'll also check some different shops for discounts. Appreciate the comments. Take care.

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I'm in a pair of x2.0's, picked them up second hand and I like them so much I've spent about £100 to upgrade them, ls2 holders and steel, change the tounges out, heel lifts, insoles etc, really solid skate that I really don't want to have to swap any time soon.

I've only been skating 2 odd years, these are perfect stiffness for me and the skates are still stif despite being over a year old and used at least 2 hours a week.

If they fit you properly I'd highly recommend them

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