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Halo 2

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Microsoft touting Halo 2 as the best game ever.

Gimme a break...how much credibility do these guys think they have, being affiliated with Microsoft and telling the world that Halo 2 "is the best game of all time?"

Besides, big sales does not = great game. Sure, Halo 2 is pretty good, but not blow you away shit my pants awesome. Halo 2 is everything Halo 1 SHOULD HAVE been. How many people purchased Enter the Matrix? That game was garbage and it sold big. :rolleyes:

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Halo 2 isnt everything halo 1 should have been, because halo1 was better. If halo 2 didnt have multiplayer it wouldn't be near as good as it is. As for best game ever? It was the best game of the year for about a week.... then half life 2 came out.

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It is funny how Blizzard will make tons of money from World of Warcraft because people will get addicted to that game and the people will keep paying for monthly subscriptions to bnet.

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I just can't get into MMORPGS, actually it's not all that different than any Xbox live game, I can't stand 99.9% of the people on there. PAYING to spend time with a bunch of social retards, where do I sign up!?

of course on Xbox live you have about 4 types of people:

1. people that take the game WAY too seriously

2. idiot 8 year olds that feel the need to talk through every second of a game

3. idiots that feel the need to sing

4. team killers

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You forgot the person who sucks but thinks they are the best in the world. For cs we call them cpl.

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