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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what's the burrows or kopitar curves going to do for me vs zetterbert

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Shouldn't have said that. I don't think i move it further from me. I stickhandle with the puck about 1.5 feet or so in front of me and then shoot with it about the same distance away. i'd still like to figure out why the tape really isn't wearing in the middle.

i'm of the opinion that rockered blades won't normally wear evenly, because any given person may spend more time puck handling than some one else, or more time shooting, which will affect how the tape wears, especially if you're anything like me, you skate really low but shoot off the toe (I switch between a p88 and p106).

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After watching that video I've come to 2 conclusions.

My follow through on wristers and snappers is too much. His stick doesn't go higher than his waist on the follow through. I end up a lot higher than that. This will be corrected.

I don't think I'm loading my stick. My shot is actually pretty good for 9 months in. I get told that by dudes with a lot more experience than me. But I don't think I'm really loading it, I think I'm taking a more traditional type shot. Guess it comes from my ball hockey days.

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After watching that video I've come to 2 conclusions.

My follow through on wristers and snappers is too much. His stick doesn't go higher than his waist on the follow through. I end up a lot higher than that. This will be corrected.

I don't think I'm loading my stick. My shot is actually pretty good for 9 months in. I get told that by dudes with a lot more experience than me. But I don't think I'm really loading it, I think I'm taking a more traditional type shot. Guess it comes from my ball hockey days.

Same here. I played ball hockey all my life until I tried ice about 2 years ago. I load on my slapshots but not so much on my wrist shots. I'd love to learn how to load on the wrist shot but there's not a ton of time or space to practice.

I use the Kopitar curve and I love it. Great all around curve. Be really aware of where you're shooting the puck from off the blade. Heel, middle, toe etc. That will help your shot a lot. I'm 5'5" and I "should be" using a senior stick. I ended up using a 55 flex. I'm still learning though.

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