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Gomez and redden?

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Not a bad idea. I certainly don't think these guys are useless hockey players, though $2M might be slight overpayment for Gomez currently. On the other hand, if everyone else is lowballing him, that number could make an impression of confidence that wouldn't be unhelpful. Likewise, there are enough defencemen hurt around the league that Redden will get a job, but he really does need to think carefully about where he'll fit. Detroit might work really well.

My thought was that there would be competition to sign them both and a premium might need to be paid. Redden to the Blues seems to be a great deal for both parties. The Blues shore up a defense and Redden joins a team that is considered one of the top contenders for the cup. That sure beats the hell out of playing in Hartford, Glens Falls and Bridgeport.

They may want to keep whatever cap room they have available, just in case it becomes important for the goalie position. And Bowman's certainly got more pressure to look good this year.

I don't know who would be available at the deadline this year, but I am becoming more and more convinced that any decision Bowman makes is likely to be the wrong one.

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The Blues and Redden made a very, very smart arrangement. Redden has always been what Ken Dryden called a 'good good-team player'. 800K is a bargain for what they *might* get, and whatever Redden left on the table -- my guess is 400-600K -- goes to character credit. He knows he was overpaid, and he didn't (by all accounts) make *this* decision based on money, but on situation.

As for Gomez, who knows. You made some good points in his favour as a complementary centre, but his record of futility last year makes me wonder.

The Hawks are killing me. They could be such a good team, but they either need to play to Crawford's strengths or get a goalie who fits their game. If they expose him to the kind of scoring chances he faced last year, it'll get ugly.

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Nothing official yet but looks as though Gomez will be signing with the Sharks. Word is $700 000 for one year. As per Elliot Friedman's Twitter account, Gomez was skating with the Sharks, wearing number 23 but contract has yet to be signed by both parties.

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