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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Spezza Curve Equivalents

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Hi guys,

I am new to the skater position (am usually a goalie) and I am looking to buy a new stick but I really love my 8.0.8 Spezza curve. From what I understand they changed that to Phaneuf A. Could you guys tell me what that is close to with other brands? All the lie and angle stuff is completely alien to me. And it seems the Pattern DB doesn't work anymore.

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I love this type of curve! Same curve in other brands:

Easton Drury/Parise

Bauer Staal/P91a

Warrior Kovalev

CCM Nugent-Hopkins? Haven't seen one myself

Most of the time people will refer to this type of curve as a Drury, Drury clone, or heel wedge. You can also check out the Sakic/Hall or Lidstrom curves... they're a bit different, but close.

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