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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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4 roll style glove comparison

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You didn't like the Eagles at all?

lol, it's not that I don't like them but that they aren't one of my top favourites anymore. I even dug them out and tried them on for a puck handle of 10 minutes just to back it up!

I think the latest generation of top end gloves from manufacturers has really seen the competition improve. Go back 3 or 4 years and the Eagles would be right up there, now they are back in the pack.

I also should have added X60's and TotalOnes in the recommended list, both of them are really nice gloves. But at the end of the day it's about personal choice and how they feel on your hands. For example the RS is lovely glove but I didn't like the feel of it, a team mate browsed thru my collection and chose them over everything else I've mentioned plus others, go figure.

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I absolutely love the quality and level of protection that the warrior franchise gloves offer. But you must keep in mind that these gloves are close to a $100 more expensive than all competitors top-end gloves. What justifies that? Sure, made in canada but wut else?

Also, I've got the red and white retail franchise, is there anyway to tell whether they are narrow or not? cheers


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