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New Shin Guards (Easton EQ Pro)

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I was looking to get a new pair of shin gaurds, because I cracked my old Bauer Supreme 2000s from like 8 years ago. I am trying to get a new pair, but there isnt any stores in the area that have a good variety in my area. I was going to order the Easton synergy EQ Pro shin Guards. Does anyone have experience with these shin gaurds? I wear a knee brace on my knee, so I need the knee pad to be wide so that I can fit it over the brace. Also would prefer a pair that is good quality. I would take any suggestions, Thanks!

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I have the whole Easton EQ Pro protective series and I love all three pieces. The shin guards are very protective. I am not sure if they would fit over a knee brace.

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I have the whole Easton EQ Pro protective series and I love all three pieces. The shin guards are very protective. I am not sure if they would fit over a knee brace.

How bulky/Heavy are they? I know the EQ 50s are pretty bulky.

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I don't know if it can help, I have Synergy EQ30 shins that are actually fairly bulky, I mean: if you compare them with the S line from Easton (55-65S and so) they're atleast 20% bigger..
I have to say that mine are not so heavy as well, I don't even feel them on while skating.. If you don't play D and you want a lightweight one, check out something else.. If you are fairly strong and big and don't even care about what, maybe 100gr more, these could be a steal also given the price that is a clearance one :)

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I don't have the EQ50 shin guards, but I don't think the EQ Pros are bulky at all. The liner is a little rough, but after two games it didn't bother me anymore. I have the EQ Pro and EQ50 shoulder pads and the EQ50's are a little heavier.

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Has anyone tried both the Easton Mako shin guard and the EQ Pro's? I'm trying to find shin guard with good knee padding and I was cross shopping these two shin guards. The EQ Pro's remind me of the JOFA 8090s

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Has anyone tried both the Easton Mako shin guard and the EQ Pro's? I'm trying to find shin guard with good knee padding and I was cross shopping these two shin guards. The EQ Pro's remind me of the JOFA 8090s

I went from jofa 6090 (pre 8090) to EQ pro with no problems.

I've since retired my Jofas and use my EQ Pros full time. I feel the Easton's are nearly identical in sizing and fit to my Jofas. It did take a few skates to get used to the Easton liner, but I've got no regrets in retiring the Jofas.

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I had the 8090's and have used them for over 14+ yrs straight, a few weeks ago I cracked one so had to move on. I picked up the makos and must say they are fantastic. Took me a skate or so to get used to liner and the flexibility the knee on the mako was a change for the positive. I feel like my skating has improved as silly as that sounds. I really do recommend you give them a look.

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