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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Supreme One60

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Any thoughts on this stick? I've dug around a bit and can't really find any feedback. I felt the Supreme's when my lhs had them in
stock but have never used one. Broke an AK27 last night and found a good deal on the ONE60 so just looking for some feedback.

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IMO you could do better at the $100 regular price point. The 4.0 and Nexus 600 are lighter and better balanced. The 16K and DT4 are very decent sticks with great kick. For a mid-kick, the AI5 is absolutely phenomenol.

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i used the one60 for a while. I really liked it. I would say for a $100 stick it is exactly what you would expect. It has a good weight and puck feel is moderate.

one60's are not in the $100 pricepoint, more like the $60 (canadian) pricepoint

ive used a one60 and a one80, and for the extra $20-30 or so, i ****HIGHLY**** recommend getting the one80. they're on closeout and should be under $100.

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They are on sale/clearance for around $60 now. They are still technically considered a $100 pricepoint model, but discontinued.

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