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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where can I get tapered replacement blades?

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I have several broken Dolomite sticks that I can salvage the shaft but I haven't had much luck finding tapered blades in the curve I like. I have been using the Gionta curve but am not opposed to other similar blade patterns. Where can I get afordable tapered blades? I either cant find them or they are $60 each or more. I only paid $80 or so for the whole stick.

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tapered blades tend to be pricier than standard blades. you can get standards for 40-80 each, but tapered the cheapest i know of are the warrior dynasties which are 60, whereas most are 80.

online stores are generally your best bet for cheap. if you can find one of those buy one get one XX% off deals would be your next best bet.

keep in mind dolomites have been on massive clearance for the last year or two, whereas most of the replacement blades you're looking for aren't.

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I haven't had a lot of luck finding reasonably-priced Gionta tapered blades online for a reasonable price. I buy most of my tapered blades in the buy/sell forums here or on ebay. Perani's has some older Warrior blades online, but the selection of the cheaper ones is pretty limited. I didn't see any Giontas when I looked a while ago, but I might have missed something.

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