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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer 8000 Helmet

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I went to Peranis and tried on a Bauer 8000 Helmet, and if you've seen these you know you can adjust the chin strap to snug your chin.. (unless im totally blind) when I tried on the Large one it fit my head but the chin cup wasn't even remotely close to my chin, it was in direction of it, but wasn't close to my chin at all.. can someone tell me why this was??? Is it supposed to be like that? Should I have tried on a medium???? I didn't ask the people that work thier cause thier all idiots.. I know more then they do :blink: So any help from you smart fellows is greatly appreciated :D


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I didn't ask the people that work thier cause thier all idiots.. I know more then they do :blink: So any help from you smart fellows is greatly appreciated :D


if i may ask... why do you go there then. why not go to a store that has knowledgable staff.

sorry can't be of much help on the helmet though.

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Your face wasn't long enough.

If the M helmet is too small and the L fits, you'll have to get them to put the M cage on the L helmet.

Thanks JR.. I shall do that then thanks..

if i may ask... why do you go there then.  why not go to a store that has knowledgable staff.

sorry can't be of much help on the helmet though.

- because they have they best prices in Windsor.. I research here and buy there lol..

JR and company know thier stuff and I trust em :D

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