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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Metatarsal Guard Problem

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I'm currently in a pair of Vapor X30's, which have the hard plastic metatarsal guard. The problem is that when I flex the skate, the bottom half of the guard pushes down on the top of my foot/instep. It's very uncomfortable and at times can cause numbness. It also makes the skate feel stiffer than it is. Replacing the tongues really isn't an option since it's too expensive for a pair of low/mid-level skates. I assume just ripping out the guard would lead to severe lace-bite, as the tongue is not very thick.

Any suggestions on possible remedies? I'm planning to replace the skates with a pair of U+ CL (If they fit) in the summer, but need to get a few more months out of them.

Not sure that it's relevant, but I am an advanced skater with 37 years of hockey experience. I really miss my Micron Mega 10-90's! Those puppies lasted me 15 years; I never even had to change the runners!

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You can remove that plastic insert (it's glued onto the back of the tongue underneath that thatched material) and replace it with some high-quality, firmer felt that you can stitch into the tongue. You'll definitely want something in there in it's place, don't just remove it.

You may also want to try just adding felt to the inside of the tongue if you have the room volume-wise.

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Thanks, I'll look into the possibility of replacing it with felt. Anything under the tongue is not an option since I just barely pass the pencil test for volume. I actually fail the test with the Superfeet in, but it's not an issue.

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