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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Another strange fit issue with Vapor X3.0

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First up i think i got some not so perfect advice from my LHS, but here in Germany it is a bit difficult as we don't really have many options when buying equipment. I have Mission AC4 and after baking they felt okay (8EE). My ankles protrude alot on the outsides and and i have a high instep so it's not that easy to find a good fit.

Anyway i asked the guys for hockey skates that fit the same as my Mission and they told me that the Vapor would be an equal fit. Unfortunately that was before i found this forum so i hadn't asked to try out a Supreme as well. The Vapor X3.0 fit my budget and the fit (8EE as well) was okay as well. But i have one issue with the skates: when i enter the skates and even worse when i get out of the skates the outside the outside of the foot shortly behind the small toe gets in contact with the eyelets basically causing the eyelets to scratch the bone causing irritation.

I hope anybody understands what i mean ...

Is there anything i can do to improve comfort in the Vapors or should i try to get rid of them and change to Supremes maybe? I also don't experience the same kind of lock around the midfoot in the Vapors as i have in the Missions, maybe a change in lacing would help here?

I'm not playing ice hockey, i use the skates only for skating around, maybe some pond hockey next winter (still struggling on ice compared to skating on the Missions)

Thanks in advance

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Well I would take them back an see if u can get ten to punch that part of your skate out a little. I'm not sure if this can be done that low in the skate but also might know someone who can figure out how to fix that.

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A punch wont fix this issue.

If you're scrapping your feet on the eyelets, while skating, or only when putting the skates on/taking them off?

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A punch wont fix this issue.

If you're scrapping your feet on the eyelets, while skating, or only when putting the skates on/taking them off?

Only when putting them on and a little more when taking them off.

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Honestly, if you're not getting weird pain when your wearing them, I'd just unlace them a bit more before taking them off or putting them on. Wear socks, as well.

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