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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Adding Grip to A Stick

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Do they make the plasti dip in a clear color? i went to lowes and they only had black and red. I bought the black and I love the way it feels on my stick. It does start to peel quickly...any info on what I could do to save it longer? Grip/clearcoat or clearcoat/grip? I take a shot and it just pulls away from the shaft...thanks

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Yeah, they do make the plasti-dip in clear. What I do is brush it on in very very very light coats, using about 4 to 6 coats. I make sure I apply it to the whole shaft all the way around so that as the acetone evaporates, the rubber surrounds the shaft and seals it in.

I've found that I can get about 2-3 months before the stick really starts to look like crap, and that's playing three times per week. At that point, I just peel it all off myself and reapply.

It IS a great feeling though, ain't it?

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I've used the clear plasti-dip. Works fine, will show the abuse quite easily, but like has been said, just peel it off and re-apply. A couple of months use and it needs to be re-applied.

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I used this product and it didnt work out. It ended up peeling instantly. I just use the backwards tape method(rubbing the tape backwards onto the shaft), and that seems to work, but all these grip methods will come to a hault once I receive me MSH Heliums...

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