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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Switching from vapor to supreme....yikes

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Spent 1 hr 20 minutes at stick and shoot. Felt better this time. I have to make sure I'm bending my knees cause at first I was just leaning forward at the waist. They don't put you in the same stance as the vapor. Your feet definite feel more flat. Regular old forward strides are starting to feel pretty good in these. When it comes to stopping, crossing over and tight turns it's still a little tough. I'm getting used to it.

My right foot went a little numb in the toes like my vapors, but not as bad. Also the top of my foot and the part opposite my heel (top of foot about the 4-6 eyelets where you lean forward and flex) was pretty red. Need to keep an eye on that. No real pain to speak of though.Played a half ice game with some kids and it was tough keeping up with all the transitions.

I may try to change out the runners for those in my vapor and see if that makes a difference. Next time out Friday.

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What did you do?

I switched to supreme because of a volume issue in vapors. It's not perfect in supreme either but it's better and my feet didn't go to sleep last night like they do in my vapors.

I'm not going to do any mods for now. I'll do some stick and shoots and see how it goes. Back to the vapors for games for now. I hope that doesn't screw me up with getting used to the supremes, switching back and forth.

I switched to Supremes because of volume issues too. I ended up putting shims, Superfeet and using the profiled steel I had on the Vapors. I skate on my toes a lot; I just couldn't get used to the Supremes out of the box. On my Vapors, my steel was pitched forward, and I used Superfeet too. I wonder now if I should have gone with a CCM skate instead, since I needed the forward stance and a deeper boot.

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