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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Switched from a Draper curve to a Burrows curve and can't get it up...

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...the puck that is.

For the last year or so I had been using a Warrior Dolomite "Draper", 100 flex, cut about 3", and about 3 weeks ago I had an itch to try something new, so I bought a Warrior Dynasty "Burrows", 75 flex, cut to match the length of my Dolomite "Draper". I'm a weekend warrior, and my beer league games are Sunday nights, so I'm pretty much only skating once a week, and have used the Dynasty in 3 games and in one pick-up game. I'm finding that I am liking the extra flex, but I am also having a lot of trouble elevating the puck.

Case in point last night, I was set up beautifully in my game from about 10 feet out, and basically had an empty left side of net and I received the pass and wristed it all in one motion, only to have the goalie make an amazing pad save as he slid across the crease. If I had only lifted it another 6" it would have been in, but I only lifted it about 4" off the ice. I felt really bad about not being able to finish that play, it was a beautiful pass, and it would have put us in the lead.

I feel like I never had that issue with the Draper curve of my Dolomite, it has more of a hook, and it feels easier for me to elevate the puck on the forehand. I don't want to give up on my new'ish stick, but I also don't want to blow these golden opportunities anymore either. Did I change up too many factors at once? Meaning, should I have just gone with a Dynasty in a "Kopitar" (new Draper I think?), with a 75 flex, rather than switching flex and blade patterns? When taking wristers during warm ups, I'm noticing with the Dynasty "Burrows" that it feels like the puck almost slides/slips off of the blade, rather than being flung/zipped off of the blade (feeling I get with my Dolomite "Draper".

Any thoughts/input is much appreciated.

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Your new stick is releasing differently than your old one. Going from a 100 Flex cut 3" probably plays at at 105 or more, and you new stick cut down is around 80 flex. So just accounting for the flex they are going to play differently, not to mention where the kick point is on the old vs new.

My guess, with the old stick you can get a more deliberate/quicker release, but with the new stick you are probably releasing while the stick is still loading up. I would try and get some ice time with a bucket of pucks and go through various shots to see how the stick is reacting to your inputs then adjust from there if you want to keep using it.

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You will have to focus on finishing your follow through higher with a the Burrows. Shooting from farther back, relative to your foot position can help as well. You have a curve with less loft, less depth and less of a rocker. You will have to change your shooting motion in some way if you want to have the same results with the new stick. Fortunately for you, you are using a stick with more whip or the differences would be even more dramatic.

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