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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Getting better knee bend?

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Hey all. I've been playing for about fifteen years, but most of that was roller. I never had proper instruction and ended up with a more standing stance. This has caused me to fall backwards and hit my head twice this week.

I think it's because of my stance and poor knee bend. Any tips on how to solve? Thanks!

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Wall sits for extended time.

Strengthen your quads and the tendon that connects to your knee.

Hack squats, and lunges will also help. After you strengthen that area, just have to mentally tell yourself to get your butt down--not just get lower--but get your butt lower.

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Get a skating instructor to help you then practice, practice, practice. You can strengthen everything as much as possible but if you have bad technique it won't help. Shoulders over knees, knees over toes. You fall over backwards because you are putting weight on your heels. You may even have a difficult time stopping, maybee spinning out and falling, same problem to much weight on your heels.

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Get a skating instructor to help you then practice, practice, practice. You can strengthen everything as much as possible but if you have bad technique it won't help. Shoulders over knees, knees over toes. You fall over backwards because you are putting weight on your heels. You may even have a difficult time stopping, maybee spinning out and falling, same problem to much weight on your heels.

Depends what you're doing. I find that I'm generally concerned with positioning my body for what I'm trying to do, and having my center of mass lined up with the pressure on my skates, whether it's from gravity, or me pushing.

It also depends on how you're built.

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